Wednesday, March 20, 2013



plate tectonics is the theory that tries to explain the expansion, separation and movements  of the crust, such theory have serious assumptions about the expansion of the world. For instance, The continental drift, the movement of plate boundaries, type of volcanoes, the creation of faults, and the mystery of the ring of fire. All this geological changes have a link that contribute to the plate tectonic plates. And every time this events attempted  to explain the origins of the tectonic plates.

Long time ago before our times the entire world began to be exactly 200 million years ago the earth was unified in one super continent. The continental drift, and the expansion of the universe have a link, eventually the continental drift theory attempt to explain how this phenomenon occurred and why  all continents were once  part of a single continent called " Pangaea" The present theory of continental drift was first proposed  by  Alfred Wegener  in 1912. he thought that all the continents were once joined together in one super-continent, 200 million years ago named Pangaea meaning "All-earth" The rest of  the earth was  covered  with one huge ocean. Pangaea started to break up into two smaller super continents, called Laurasia and Gondwanaland due to geological forces causing  Pangaea to split apart into the major continents we have today. scientist have study and founded a lot of evidence that supports Alfred Wegener thoughts as well his genius theory. Evidence like Fossils of Mesosaurus that were found only in both South America and South Africa, and the matching Mountain Ranges Across the North Atlantic Also there is a natural "fit" like a puzzle for  most of the  continents.

Plate boundaries are found in the lithosphere and are three main types of plate boundaries convergent, divergent, and transform. even thought the three are interactions between two plates their characteristics makes them unique. plate tectonics are mostly related with the creation of volcanoes, earthquakes, mountains, mountains folded. the first is the divergent boundary at this plate two plates move away from one another when this occur oceans grow wider and break the crust eventually the water fill the spaces between the earth. The convergent plates boundaries what basically occur is that one plate will subducted under the other and this can create mountains and volcanoes, this tend to occur at Subduction zones such as the ring of fire. there a 3 types of convergent boundaries Oceanic Continental, Oceanic-Oceanic, and Continental-Continental. the third is Transform Boundaries are where two plates are sliding horizontally past one another. These commonly created faults like the famous Sean Andreas fault.

 Why 75% of volcanoes are in the ring of fire? the ring of fire is the most seismic zone and dangerous of the world. up to 75% of the worlds volcanoes are located in the ring of fire in fact  There are about 350 historically active volcanoes in the zone which makes of the ring of fire the most destructive and dangerous place  in the world, the volcanoes occur in this area, because the pacific plate is colliding(hitting) with other major plates. the tension in this area make plates slide underneath other and melt them into magma that eventually will rise to the surface and will form volcanoes . the location of the ring of fire borders the pacific plate.

Volcanoes are formed all over the world, the happen when pressure builds up inside the earth causing the hot magma from the mantle to push up through the surface (crust) There are three main types of volcanoes: Cinder cone, Composite volcanoes, and Shield volcanoes. Each of this distinguished volcanoes share some similarities. The cinder cone are formed when ashes are blown out of a single vent, they eruption usually don't cause any loss of life's. The composite volcanoes also known as "stratovolcanoes" are formed at convergent plate boundaries, where one plate is subducted under the other, so the subducted plate happen to be melted into magma and it's force push out the surface an interesting fact is that it's lava is the most viscous lava this lava tend to solidify in a cone form that gets bigger after each eruption. Shield volcanoes often formed underwater at divergent plate boundaries, the lava that comes out of the shield  volcano is known as a mineral called" Basalt" Volcanoes are mainly created in the dangerous "Ring of Fire" located in the Pacific Ocean, Shield volcanoes can also be form over "Hot spots" Which are of great hot. Certainly volcanoes are dangerous and have such destructive power which make them be feared, but there also exist dormant volcanoes, which means that hasn't erupted in long time, volcanoes are created by the mother nature and humans can simply do nothing to stop their creation because it goes beyond the human hands, what we can do instead is admire their creation and evolution.

In my own opinion I firmly think that the geological study of tectonic plates make people realize with rational understanding that beyond disasters and events that shape our world everyday  there also that explanations that provoke different feelings inside ourselves sometimes of excitement,  proud or sometimes we just felt afraid of what we can't control. But this is how we're meant to be, and as the earth that include a variety of secrets we were created to discover them at all. The fascination that nature show us is merely an act of god's work, I'm sorry if  I'm talking about irrelevant information but I'm just expressing my self and I guess that sometimes people forget about nature and instead they just disturbed the environment with pollution, and chemicals that destroy everyday our environment. For example, why don't we learn more about the wonders of nature.


What did you enjoy most about this projects and why?
 I have to admit that I really enjoyed the activities such as the creation of the mini poster because I got to create my draws and put some detail on it.

What was the most challenging for you  during this project and why?
Well, since the beginning of activity I thought that it would be fascinating learn more about the earth, but the most challenging part for me was understand the different plate boundaries

What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
I've gained certain ability to do research and lot of new vocabulary.           

Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain!
certainly, the only thing I needed was time and create a video that could make more clear my topic

What would you change about this project?
I wouldn't change a thing as long I get to chose what can I do.


The Ring Of Fire Mini Poster!!  click on the pictures to see the actual size. if is not showing properly!
Faults Mini Poster!!
The Continental Drift "Video"

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