Tuesday, October 23, 2012

1. Crystals-Summary of Crystals Growth Lab. 2.
2. Mineral properties
Color - That aspect of a mineral when you look at it.
Streak - the color of the fine powder of a mineral obtained by scratching or rubbing against a hard white surface.
Hardness - resistance of mineral to scratching in the mohs scale a scale, ranking 10 minerals from softest to hardest: used in testing the hardness of minerals.
Cleavage - cleavage describes how a crystal breaks when subject to stress on a particular plane.
Fracture - The rupture of a soft mineral.
Composition - The chemical composition of the minerals is varied, but in the exterior layers of the Earth's crust the most common chemical elements are: Oxygen( O) 47%, Silica (Si) 28%, Aluminum (Al) 8%,Iron (Fe) 5%, Calcium (Ca) 3.5%, Sodium (Na) 3%, Potassium (K) 2.5%, Magnesium (Mg) 2 %, and the remaining 1% are the others elements found in the Periodic Table.
Other properties - The Magnetic Minerals are few, but the property is important because of this fact. Once a specimen is established as magnetic, identification becomes a rather routine exercise. The mineral magnetite is named after this characteristic.

3.Mineral identification. #1 mineral - Quartz
- Color - Various
- Streak - White - Luster
- Glassy - Hardness- "7"
- Conchoidal fracture
- Other properties - Round fracture

#2 mineral - Feldspar
- Color - Various
- Streak - White
- Luster - Glassy
- Hardness- "6-6.5"
- Cleavage
Other properties - Two cleavages

Those are the examples of different kinds of minerals.,

Whit specific characteristics and appearance.

as we see there are certain group of minerals with specific qualities.

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